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Kingdom Counseling Services

Your Well-Being Is in Good Hands

Home: Welcome

What You Can Expect

You can expect a unique counselling experience incorporating your personal belief systems, which most therapists leave out. For those who prefer it, biblical counselling strategies will be incorporated to reach your full potential, in a non judgmental atmosphere. You can also expect to be both challenged and encouraged  to reach your full potential and leave with the ability to self assess any situation , for a life long change in habits and outlook on life.

Home: About Therapy

For Services

I offer specialized counseling for those in need. Please review the below instructions for more information about seeing me.


Virtual appointment: You will receive an email or text from Zoom with a link to the meeting prior to the scheduled session.​ Please ensure you are in a space that is quiet, confidential and secure with no distractions.

New Client Paperwork: You will receive an email from Darryl with paperwork that needs to be completed prior to this appointment or visit to download a copy of the form. Prior to your first visit please furnish the completed, mandatory "Patient Intake" form to This form needs to be on record before any session can commence.

Marriage Counseling

Engagement Ring

Family Counseling

Family Dispute

Drug & Alcohol Counseling

Prescription Drugs

Anger Management Counseling

Image by Alessandro Bellone

Sexual Addiction Counseling


Couples Counseling

Couple's Shadow

Stress & Anxiety Counseling

Stressed Woman
Home: Services

Contact Me

I love helping my patients develop the tools they need to cope with all of life’s challenges. Contact me today to learn more and book a session.

PHONE: (832)-457-2126

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